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Faded Away (Poetry Anthology)

Introduction: On the day the two had met...something had sparked within her. Something in her heart was different than the other times and it was because of him. As time came and passed by, her mind was filled with thoughts of him and soon he was apart of the scenery she would always see. Just as he had managed to barge into her mind and fill it with only thoughts of him, the poetry is formatted that way to reflect the thoughts she had about him. 運命 (Fate) Meeting his gaze In a room of learning No words can tell what she felt As the person she saw first was him Curiousity Intrigued by his presence She went towards him For he was the one she’s wondering about In her eyes, he’s the one she should talk to Noticing You Was he always there? She had no recollection of his existence Meeting him; Seeing him How have her eyes not seen him around? Rivalry He always seem to make her flustered Angry, happy, she can’t explain Beating her a

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